SEIA - Southeast Insurance Associates LLC

Fast & efficient handling at the most critical moment

When catastrophe strikes, our clients require instant, on-site response, regardless of the location or weather conditions.  Our network of offices along with our centralized assignment system dispatching all loss details in seconds affords you the ability in times of crisis to hit the ground running.  With two decades of catastrophe experience, Southeast Insurance Associates has the knowledge, talent, and expertise to manage and control the handling of your claims.

Southeast Insurance Associates is there as a steady and reliable presence, providing immediate action, long-term assistance, and unwavering reassurance to all those involved. Our staff is specially trained for the devastation that can be caused by nature with extensive experience in hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, hail, fire, earthquakes, and winter storms.

During times of crises, it is especially important that we offer a quality product tailored to your specific format and needs, completed without delay. Whether an appraisal or full adjustment, Southeast Insurance Associates offers no geographical limitations and is prepared to bring relief, maintain professionalism, and react in a timely manner throughout the entire aftermath of a catastrophe.